Out with the Old and in with the New!

Spring is here again, windows are spread open, and the fresh air is inside. Breathe in and out on all spots of our lives.
If you are the kind of person that commits to a New Year’s resolution every December, promising to make it different this year and well, April comes with that long list is still hanging on your fridge. Mind you, Spring is here and it’s a great season to get your hands on it, and do some checking on that list or refreshing it to a more manageable one.
See, with people setting grand and unrealistic goals, it’s no wonder that 88% of the said list simply tends to fail. Now, one small change fulfilled over time is far superior to a colossal change that is simply impossible to keep. So getting that straight,
Easy Steps to Keep You on Track on this Spring “cleaning”:
1. Avoid setting a ridiculous target such as ‘no more chocolate’ (who can live without chocolate anyway?!) and instead turn it into something more specific such as; ‘stop eating chocolate bars before bed’ (much better). By making the goal more specific and achievable it automatically becomes much easier to handle making it more likely to become a habit, increasing your chances of success by 50%. Easier and higher chance of success; sounds good to me!
2. Write it down!! Making a physical note of the goals you’ve set before yourself will serve as a handy reminder. There are amazing apps today for that, or just the old post-it notes. Chose what works best for you. Either way, writing it down will reinforce your mission keeping you right on track.
3. Reach out to others for support. Sharing your goals and progress with friends and family makes it more likely that you will continue towards your target. You could consider sharing your goal/s on social media, whichever way you choose. There will certainly be people out there who know the goals you’re trying to achieve, and this may be the extra push you need to stick it out! Find an accountability partner.
4. Reward yourself! If you managed to keep to your goal for a certain amount of time, get excited! For example, if you managed to stay away from that chocolate bar before bed for a whole month, treat yourself to a posh dinner with the hubby or a night out with the girls or even a little gift to yourself (more chocolate is probably not a good idea!). This can be repeated after 3 months, then 6 months and hopefully again at the end of the year. You should be proud of your accomplishments no matter how small.
In the end, we wish people to not dwell on the past but to instead channel that energy into the present. As Spring is here, this is a fresh new season and a great starting point and all yours for the taking!
We believe the key is to make and focus on smaller, more specific goals, whatever they may be, just make them realistic! Spring is not just about cleaning around the house, it’s also a moment to clean within.
Some say that 21 days is a perfect period for making a change come true and become our reality. So, let’s start this amazing time of the year with those small changes, bringing about a healthier, happier you.
Happy Spring cleaning!!