Honest Review & Comparison of Microdermabrasion Devices - Beautiful-Online

Honest Review & Comparison of Microdermabrasion Devices

It is all about the exfoliation!

We wanted to test and compare the operation, effectiveness, and benefits of Glo-me microdermabrasion device versus PMD, a similar tool of its kind. So we asked a microdermabrasion enthusiast to compare the two, this is what she had to say: Glo-Me Vs. PMD

Connectivity5 Stars Cordless – being cordless means it’s portable which is a huge advantage, less wire in the way, easier storage and I can walk around with it.2 StarsWire – the wire is ridiculously long, meaning you can move far with it, but quite annoying to repack/use as the wire gets in the way
Comfort In Hand4 StarsSize and CURVED shape makes it very comfortable and gave more control in the motion.4 StarsRelatively comfortable to hold.
Ease Of Movement5 StarsEasy to move across the face and the handle gives great control.3 StarsEasy to move the PMD across the face but careful not to get stuck in one area! The forehead area is difficult (maybe because the skin is more taught).
Residue Left Behind 5 StarsThe Glo-Me differs as it has a suction action that collects any skin residue inside, making it much less messy. 1 StarThe PMD doesn’t have a mechanism to capture the dead skin cells it exfoliates, leaving it on your face/falling around. Basically it can get a little messy and you’ll notice the white powdery skin cells left on your face.
Noise 4 StarsThe Glo-Me barely makes a noise in comparison, just a small vibrating type noise. 2 Stars The PMD is quite noisy to say the least, the boyfriend was wondering what on earth I was doing in the bathroom!
Accessories 4 StarsThe Glo-Me has 2 heads one for sensitive skin and one for less sensitive skin. There are also 3 different speed levels to control the abrasiveness. I’d say the two are matched in this area 4 StarsThe PMD comes with many different ‘heads’. The heads are different levels of abrasiveness. I found this quite interesting, though realized that each head can only be used twice before you have to buy a new one –which I found a little annoying. -one plus is that it comes with a larger head for the body.
Frequency Of Use 5 StarsGentler on the skin can be used every 2/few days. 3 StarsA bit more harsh on the skin – can only be used once a week.
Cleaning 3 StarsAlso annoying to clean but a lot less hassle with removing bits like the PMD. The Glo-Me comes with many filters which will last a long time before replacement is needed.2 StarsIf it weren’t for my long nails I would never have been able to get the filter out from inside! A bit annoying to clean to be honest.
How Treatment Feels4 StarsThe Glo-Me has more suctioney type feel across the face and was never painful. It advises to not go over the same area more than 3 times.3 StarsThe PMD feels a little more abrasive on the face. Instructions advise not go over the same area twice.
Short-Term Effects  5 StarsStraight after using the Glo-Me my face was quite red, similar to after a gym session. The redness went down after about 1 and a half hours. The skin is immediately softened, like a baby’s bottom, I couldn’t stop touching my cheeks especially!3 StarsAfter using the PMD my face was a little bit red, the skin felt immediately softened. One issue I had with the PMD: for some reason the next day when I woke up to go to work, I could still see red streaks across my face! I don’t usually wear a foundation on my cheeks but I had no choice! Not the best look. Thank god After using the PMD my face was a little bit red, the skin felt immediately softened. One issue I had with the PMD: for some reason the next day when I woke up to go to work, I could still see red streaks across my face! I don’t usually wear a foundation on my cheeks but I had no choice! Not the best look. Thank god the streaks went down by the evening. I think these were small burn marks.the streaks went down by the evening. I think these were small burn marks.
Long-Term Effects5 StarsAfter using the Glo-Me for one month, I noticed I had less spots across my forehead and skin felt much softer. I had pretty bad acne across my T-Zone before starting but after a month of treatment, I can honestly say the acne has gone waaay down. I still have some acne scars that haven’t fully disappeared but have really faded. I noticed my skin was more radiant than usual. This could also be because the microdermabrasion treatments allow for skin products to be better absorbed as well. Big Plus! This means you get the most out of your products. I never had an issue with burn marks or red streaks.2 Stars I started trying out the PMD after I’d finished using the Glo-Me for a month so my skin was a little more used to microdermabrasion. For this reason, I started using the ‘sensitive skin’ head on the PMD, (not the testing head). I woke up with HUGE red steaks the next morning which really surprised me. The skin is left red for longer. In terms of Long-term effects, other than prolonged redness, my acne stayed down and the skin remained softer and more dewy. But those red marks were there for at least a day and a half with my colleagues asking what on earth happened!
Average Rating 4.4 Stars 2.5 Stars
Price $159 $159


Be careful what you put on your face after using either of these. After using the PMD I put on my normal moisturizer and found my face burning! Ouch! I think the PMD is much harsher on the face and not for everyone. If you have sensitive skin I would advise the Glo-Me. I would also advise something more cooling post-use (especially PMD) maybe an Aloe Vera gel if you have one. And use a very simple plain moisturizer afterwards.

To Sum-Up

I have seen and read many reviews of the PMD but with the Glo-me being a relatively new device I haven’t come across too many of them. This is why I decided to compare the two! With many previous reviews for the PMD I noticed quite a few people were prone to burning their skin…including myself. Although the burn didn’t hurt too much, it was very noticeable for over a day (I was also very careful with the device and tried the PMD second, i had used the Glo Me already, I can’t imagine how much worse it would have been had I not been using the Glo-Me before!) In this respect the Glo-Me is a safer bet.

I also found the Glo-Me sessions were much quicker than with the PMD. There was less faffing involved with the long chord and having to change the heads as with the PMD. The Glo-Me I also found was comfier to hold, and the suction power meant less mess and best of all, less redness -meaning I can come home from work, give it a go and still go out the same evening with everyone asking why my skin looks so good (mission accomplished!!). The PMD would need to be used a day in advance.

They both give very similar effects when used correctly but overall, I would go with saying the Glo-Me is actually a safer and an improved version of the PMD and would certainly recommend it over the PMD due to all the reasons in the table (particularly the burning).

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